Iridium will be performing a major upgrade to their Prepaid airtime platform between Thurs 5th June through Mon 9th June 2014. Due to the nature of the upgrade this will mean that no activations, or topups will be possible during that timeframe.
Please be proactive and ensure you have adequate airtime before Thursday 5th June.
In theory the practical outage will affect Fri, Sat and Monday, but as with any substantial upgrade such as this, there is some risk of over run, or knockon problems. Of course there will also be an increase in activity once service is restored and this may lead to some delays in implementing orders.
Please, please be proactive and manage your airtime account during this period.
Note this will not affect the ability to place calls, download emails or in any way use your Iridium satellite phone. This is purely an upgrade to the prepaid billing platform and affects activations of SIMs and loading additional prepaid balances.